Fun With Maps Part 1

I’ve been listening to an (and another) excellent podcast by Clojure programmers recently and learned that nobody builds classes in Clojure; and certainly not to represent data. Instead they populate maps for all the uses where Kotlin developers would reach for a data class.

I’ve got very used to data classes and like them a lot, but there are certainly situations in which they don’t shine. Today I’m going to look using maps instead.

The Brief



Refactoring to Kotlin

Nat Pryce and I have been asked to run our popular Refactoring to Kotlin Workshop at KotlinConf 2019 in Copenhagen.

If you are attending the conference but relatively new to the language it is an excellent way to get up to speed on the language and its idioms.

More Details


Failure is not an Option - Functional Error Handling in Kotlin. Part 7 - Avoiding Failure

This is Part 7 in a series looking at functional error handling in Kotlin. The parts are

Today I’d like to talk about avoiding error handling.



Failure is not an Option - Functional Error Handling in Kotlin. Part 6 - What Should You Do While Waiting for the Standard Result Type

This is Part 6 in a series looking at functional error handling in Kotlin. The parts are

It has been over a year since I wrote Part...


Kotlin Hacks - .printed()

Say you have a function

fun sum(x: Int, y: Int) = x + y 

and for some reason you suspect that it is going wrong. You’d like to print the return value to the console. So you extract the expression to a variable, print it, and return it.

fun sum(x: Int, y: Int): Int { val result = x + y println(result) return result } 

Hmmm, for a temporary change, that escalated pretty quickly. We could...
